Welcome to my Blog!

I’ve been in this profession for the past 16 years and worked as a barista, coffee-shop manager and now as a trainer for 12 years. The reason I’m a barista and a trainer is because there’s so much to learn about coffee and it keeps me interested and inspired every day. I can’t imagine working with anything else than coffee. I always want to know more about anything I’m involved with, so when I started working at a coffee shop, my interest lead me on a journey through the coffee education. There is much still to learn, see and experience, and so many people to meet.

I hope all you potential coffee magicians will be inspired by this blog with an idea for your own plan of action, though honestly, this blog will be my journey of coffee and more of a how-I-ended-up-here story of how my journey impacted me; why I decided to invest a significant amount of time and effort into taking part in a standard of education outside of our own customers and employees.

Also do check this blog for latest trend into coffee, new recipres and tips & tricks to brew coffee at home.


Dialysis or death!

Dialysis…What can I say? It’s not an easy form of treatment and often the style of dialysis is forced or chosen for you. In my case as a transplant rejection kidney failure patient I didn’t have a choice again it was central line hemodialysis or death…which one would you choose? I choose to live because …


Send me a message i would love to hear from you or email me your suggestions and comments.

Email: sahid_k@hotmail.com

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